Friday, October 9, 2009

Hooray for Doll Class!

So last night I had my first doll class with JoAn Morris. I think this may be the best deal I've ever found! She charges $8.50 for the class, and then you pay for your materials as you go. I chose a beautiful doll to make named Martina...she'll be ready for me to clean in next week's class. I'm so excited! Last night I worked on a practice doll head. I cleaned her seams and cut out her eyes. I didn't even break or chip her! I'm just so geeked! It was so great to be able to talk to women who are just as excited about dolls as I am, even if they are a few (or several) decades older than I am. I think this is going to be a good thing for me. I'll keep all of you, my nonexistent audience, in the loop.

This is the doll I chose to make. She's made by the Great American Doll Company and is designed by Rottraut Schaut from Germany. I hope she turns out just as beautiful!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Which doll should I buy?

I think I'm going to spend my next paycheck on dolls. But what should I buy? Should I get an Innoquii (they're so pretty) or a few Dynamite Girls? I'm leaning towards Dynamite Girls before I get too behind. Who am I kidding? I know I'm getting Dynamite Girls.

However, I'm incredibly interested in the new Playline Barbie Fashionistas. Highly articulated playline barbies...doesn't get much better than that...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

No Dolls!

This Saturday is my 25th birthday. My husband gave me my birthday gift last night, but this is the first holiday in a long time that I didn't receive a doll as a gift. The gift I got was wonderful, and I will certainly be putting them to good use, but it was just a strange realization I had that there was no doll.

Probably a good thing, as I should probably be spending my own money on my expensive hobby. :)

Thursday, October 1, 2009


While I would love to report on doll news...I can't. Today is a sad day for Eriufaeye! I bought the new AvantGuard doll Androgyny off of ebay last week. She's beautiful, and wonderful...and broken. Last night she tried to commit suicideby diving from her shelf...but succeeded only in dislodging her wig and breaking her ankle. There was hope at first, as she has removable feet, but the post of her high heeled foot was lodged in her leg. I thought I could pull it out and reattach it to the foot...almost good as new...but tweezers couldn't hold the post, and even the smalles needle nose pliers couldn't get in far enough to the leg to even grasp the post without pushing it in further. So it seems my choices are to glue her foot back on as best I can, possibly lose the mobility of her ankle and lose the ability (possibly...with a good enough bond I might not) to change out the feet for the flats OR shove the post further into the leg and have her permanently flat footed. I like neither choice. Stupid suicidal doll. She was on that shelf perfectly sturdy for a whole week. The weirdest part? I was in the BASEMENT with my husband and ALL our pets when it happened. No slamming doors, nothing. Completely spontaneous. My only guesses are that either she really is suicidal, and I need to put her on suicide watch, or she was affected by an earthquake halfway around the world in Indonesia. Neither seems likely.